Submissions are now OPEN for the 16th annual narrative poetry contest, which runs from July 1, 2024 through September 1, 2024. for the winter/spring 2025 issue. Our contest judge this year will be Allison Joseph. See guidelines below for more information. Thank you for your submissions! 

Here are our general guidelines:



We accept ELECTRONIC SUBMISSIONS ONLY through Submittable. 

There are two submission periods for NRR -  Open submissions (no fee) are Jan. 1 - March 1. Contest submissions are open July 1- Sept. 1 each year and there is a $20 fee which pays for the prizes and publication of the journal for the year.

Please submit no more than 3 unpublished NARRATIVE poems (for our definition of narrative poetry, see below). Please, no more than 50 lines per poem in ONE MSWord file, Times New Roman preferred (.doc or .docx or .rtf preferred, pdf if there is complicated formatting only. Please remove your name from your document, as the poetry is read blind. It will be checked before sending to readers. DO NOT use fonts other than Times, Callibri, Georgia or Garamond 12.

Questions ONLY: Feel free to email us at 

Simultaneous submissions are fine as long as you inform us right away if your poem has been picked up by another publication. We claim first North American serial publication rights, so rights revert to the author after the initial publication period, just please give us credit.  We will only consider work that has not been previously published.  Member CLMP.

What NRR is looking for are poems that tell a story, or have a strong sense of story. They can be stories of a moment or an experience, and can be personal, fictional or historical. A good narrative poem that would work for our journal has a compressed narrative, and we prefer poems that take up two pages or less of the journal (50 lines max). We are looking above all for poems that are well-crafted, have an excellent lyric quality and contain a strong emotional core. Any style of poem is considered, including prose poems. Poems with very long lines don’t fit well in the format.


Naugatuck River Review submissions are now open for our 16th narrative poetry contest from July 1 - Sept. 1, 2024. Our final judge this year is Allison Joseph. Prizes are $1000, $250 and $100. All winners, finalists and semi-finalists will be offered publication in the winter/spring 2025 issue of Naugatuck River Review.

Allison Joseph lives in Carbondale, Illinois, where she is on the faculty at Southern Illinois University. Her most recent collections of poems are Lexicon (Red Hen Press, 2021, PBTS Best Book Award winner), Any Proper Weave (Kelsay Books, 2022), Speak and Spell (Glass Lyre Press, 2022), and Confessions of a Barefaced Woman (Red Hen Press, 2018). Confessions of a Barefaced Woman won the 2019 Feathered Quill Book Award and was a finalist for the 2019 NAACP Image Award. She was named Illinois Author of the Year for 2022 by the Illinois Association of Teachers of English. Her poems have appeared in the New York Times and in the Best American Poetry Series. She is the widow of beloved poet and editor Jon Tribble.

Guidelines are below (please read).

We accept ELECTRONIC SUBMISSIONS ONLY through Submittable. Please submit no more than 3 unpublished NARRATIVE poems (for our definition of narrative poetry, see below). Submit your best work if you wish to win the contest. Please, no more than 50 lines per poem in ONE MSWord file, Times New Roman 12 or Callibri 11 preferred (.doc or .docx or .rtf preferred, .pdf if complicated formatting only). Please remove your name from your downloaded poems, as the poetry is read blind by our editorial staff and judge. DO NOT use fancy formats, bold or imbedded formatting unless your poem is in complicated formatting, in which case go ahead and submit in in a pdf.
Questions ONLY: Feel free to email us with questions at The $20 submission fee for the contest goes towards publication of both issues for the year, prizes, contributor copies and publicity. Other than the contest, we have no other source of income besides sales and subscriptions. All poems will be considered for publication. Winners, finalists and semi-finalists will be offered publication in the winter/spring 2025 issue of NRR. Simultaneous submissions are fine as long as you let us know right away if your poem has been picked up by another publication. We claim first North American publication rights, so rights revert to the author after the initial publication period, just please give us credit.  We will only consider work that has not been previously published.  Member CLMP.

WHAT IS NARRATIVE POETRY? What NRR is looking for are poems that tell a story, or have a strong sense of story. They can be stories of a moment or an experience, and can be personal, fictional or historical. A good narrative poem that would work for our journal has a compressed narrative, and we prefer poems that take up two pages or less of the journal (50 lines max, not including spaces). We are looking above all for poems that are well-crafted, have an excellent lyric quality and contain a strong emotional core. Any style of poem is considered, including prose poems. Poems with very long lines don’t fit well in the format. 

Naugatuck River Review